By Jocelyn Van Heest, Children’s Ministry Director

So many things have changed in many aspects of our lives, affecting how we act: masks, sanitizers, physical distancing, learning new technologies. Who could have imagined all of these changes? What hasn’t changed is our commitment and concern for the children of Hope Church. The overarching goal is to build and maintain connection. We explored many possibilities, with the result of varied opportunities offered for our children.

During Lent, the children know that the Church Year Circle emphasizes special worship experiences. There were weekly video presentations of the Children in Worship stories, wondering time, and weekly communication with the families that included response ideas for each story. Before Holy Week we delivered Resurrection Eggs sets for both older and younger children. Following the Hope Church tradition of “putting away” a special chosen word during Lent, the children received envelopes containing cards to be opened on Easter that revealed the special chosen word: ALLELUIA.

At Pentecost, Pastor Gordon and I personally delivered pinwheels and a special seasonal prayer to each family. We both enjoyed that small, in-person/physically-distanced interaction with some of the families. Some of you may have heard those items spoken about during the Word with the Children during the service as the pastors have connected some of the children’s activities.

In the summer, the theme was “God’s Family in ACTion!” The children received video lessons from the book of Acts and stories of Paul. These videos were supplemented by at-home kits containing art supplies, lyrics, special surprises, and other activities. The families were invited to create a family crest showing their own responses in the ways each family is a part of God’s family. This summer the children are also enjoying the gift of receiving personalized cards and letters the old-fashioned way—courtesy of the U.S. mail. In addition, parents receive weekly emails with attached children’s worship bulletins and devotional resources.

Going forward, we are dedicated to meeting the goal of keeping the children connected in some old and new ways. As throughout this process, many ideas are being discussed and developed in response to the ever-changing patterns of the lives of the children and their families. We are excited about the experiences we have shared and the opportunities for the future.

We appreciate the contribution of parents, which is necessary and vital for the success of this shared approach to the faith development of the children.

(Click here for a coloring page for kids!)