By Jocelyn Van Heest, Children’s Ministry Director

The children spend a lot of time wondering as they respond to the story in the worship centers. We wonder about our favorite part of the story, how someone in the story would feel, whether we’ve ever done something like that, have we ever felt that way, does something in this story remind you of another story, why did people act that way or say what they said, what would you do in this story, where could this place really be among many others. As I look at this picture, I am reminded that we have not met in the worship centers together for over a church year. As we continue around this church-year circle, I have some wonderings to share.

I wonder:

  • Are church families feeling supported as they seek ways to help their children in their spiritual formation?
  • What emotions have the children been feeling?
  • What new and exciting things have happened in their families?
  • Are there times that they missed their friends and leaders at Hope Church?
  • Was there a special family activity they did last summer?
  • How has school been going for the children and their parents?
  • Did they find ways to show love and concern for others?

As they went through the church year, I wonder:

  • Would they have some other shares and cares to put on the fall tree display?
  • Did they enjoy doing the Advent activities (wreath-making, candlelighting, crafts, St. Nicholas visit, pageant, etc.)?
  • What was a favorite Christmas memory from this year?
  • Is there something new they learned to do during the winter?
  • Did they, like so many church members, miss our Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras celebration?
  • How did families spend time during Lent to prepare for the celebration of Easter?
  • Did they shout ALLELUIA on Easter Sunday?
  • How long did it take for the children to eat the candy from the Easter Egg Hunt?
  • Did they enjoy the outdoor Easter service and how special was it to see familiar faces?
  • Weren’t the Zoom family services a wonderful way to worship together and share communion?

And for the congregation:

  • Have you held these families in prayer?
  • Were you aware that there were over seventy Children in Worship story videos sent to the children—one or two each week—with suggested activities?
  • Have you remembered your Prayer PAL?
  • Have you missed the opportunity to watch these children grow in spirit?
  • Can you think of ways to be involved with these families?

We as a congregation stay connected through prayer, worship and caring for each other. Let’s stay connected.