Plug into Worship
The children who remain in worship are invited to “Don’t just sit there, DO something!” There is a separate blue sheet available to help you stay engaged in the worship service. It gives you an opportunity to answer some questions about the service and about how you relate to what you have heard. Maybe you would like to take this paper home and complete it with your family. When you have completed the paper, return it to the box on the Welcome center. There are prizes involved but the most important thing is that everyone can be connected to the worship experience.

Summer Church School
During the month of August, we are learning about the teaching of Jesus through parables. What do they mean to us? What do we learn about the kingdom of God? Why did Jesus use these stories? How can we share these stories with others? How does what we learned influence how we live our everyday lives? These are big questions for small children but the parables are a wonderful way for them to start to understand their place in God’s kingdom. Through role-playing, songs, storytelling, discussion, crafts and games the children enjoy learning together.

Our fall schedule begins September 10. Church School will start will a celebration of our time together and an introduction to our program for the year. We look forward to seeing all the children, 3-year-olds through 5th graders, get excited about the lesson with a group time and then dividing into age appropriate activities to further our understanding of the lesson. The children will leave the 11:00 a.m. service to worship in the Children in Worship centers. More detailed information may be picked up at the church later this month and an invitation will be sent to the children. We are excited to grow in faith together!

~Jocelyn Van Heest, Children’s Ministry Director

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