Summer Church School
We have had a wonderful summer learning about how the people Jesus met shared in the light of Jesus and how they shared that light with others. The children have tried to find ways to relate those stories into their own lives. How would they react? What would they have said or done? How can we share the light of Jesus with others?

During the month of August, we will be hearing stories about Jesus being there when his friends and followers were in need. Through song, stories and crafts we will continue to try and make these stories relevant to our lives.

Summer ponderings- fulfilling our baptism covenant with the children of Hope Church
As the congregation of Hope Church, we were blessed to be a part of baptism ceremonies as we promise to help in the faith formation of these young children. How can we fulfill these promises? Being a prayer partner and engaging with the children at special events are wonderful ways but might you also have gifts that would be meaningful to share in children’s ministry. Think about the possibility of becoming involved as a Children in Worship leader, nursery care provider or even a visitor to the worship centers. After worshiping or visiting in the centers you may realize that this is a place where you are needed and where you will be able to share your gifts with the children. There can be great flexibility in scheduling and any amount of commitment will be a great service to our children’s ministry. Nursery care giving is a great place to make connections with the young families of our church and have fun with the littlest members of our church. Everyone has something to share with the children and your talents will certainly be appreciated. If you have an interest in participating in the Children in Worship experience of helping in the nursery, contact Jocelyn Van Heest at the church or by email

Our fall schedule begins September 9. Church School will start will a celebration of our time together and an introduction to our program for the year. We look forward to seeing all the children, 3-year-olds through 5th graders, get excited about the lesson with a group time and then dividing into age appropriate activities to further our understanding of the lesson. That same Sunday the children will leave the 11:00 a.m. service to worship in the Children in Worship centers. More detailed information may be picked up at the church later this month and invitation will be sent to the children.

~Jocelyn Van Heest, Children’s Ministry Director

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