We are greatly blessed by God and God expects us to share those blessings with others. We can share not just our money but our time, talents and especially our willingness to make a connection with others. Even the youngest of children can make a difference in their community and world. Throughout the year the children will be given the opportunity to help in service to others. For example, during the Fall Family Fun Night the families decorated food bags for the Kid’s Food Basket organization. This month the children will be bringing home a pledge form that your family can discuss and fill out. There will be some ideas that your family may want to adopt to help you share your blessings with others. There is also an opportunity for your family to add other ways you may already serve or new ideas you may have. On November 11th the pledges should be brought back to their Children in Worship centers or they can fill out another one in the center. The children will be bringing them down to the sanctuary to add to the congregation’s collection of pledges.

~Jocelyn Van Heest, Children’s Ministry Director