It is that time in our church year calendar to celebrate Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday. This is traditionally a time of last chance merrymaking before the disciplines of Lent. The last few years we have had a lot of fun enjoying a pancake dinner with the opportunity to top your pancakes with all the trimmings. On Tuesday, February 13th from 6-7:30pm everyone (of all ages) is invited to come enjoy the meal and to participate in a variety of activities. It is a wonderful time of fellowship. The activities include a parade with bead necklaces, noise makers, masks and games for all. The music and the activities may be energetic but there will also be a time for reflection as we prepare for the season of Lent. Please sign up in the Gathering Area so that we’ll be sure to have an extravagant amount of food and craft material as befitting a Mardi Gras Celebration. Come and enjoy!

Note: Please watch for communication about a Children in Worship Workshop for parents coming up on February 25 during Pizza Sunday, connected to Pastor Gordon’s Doctor of Ministry project!

~Jocelyn Van Heest, Children’s Ministry Director

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