​Hope Church’s Christmas Offering will support the work of the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI), which is led by Bryan Stevenson (author of ‘Just Mercy’). The EJI provides legal representation to people who have been illegally convicted, unfairly sentenced, or abused in state jails and prisons. EJI also works with communities that have been marginalized by poverty and discouraged by unequal treatment. Our Thanksgiving Offering supported the work of the I AM Academy that works to break the school to prison pipeline in our local community, and it was felt that there was synergy in supporting the work of EJI who work at the other end of the equation – fighting against unfair and excessive sentencing. The Deacons felt that given the increased focus on racial injustice this year that it was fitting that we show solidarity and support to organizations such as the Equal Justice Initiative who are committed to changing the narrative about race in America.

Your support for the Christmas Offering is appreciated – using the ‘Christmas Offering’ envelope from your offering envelopes, mailing in a check with the memo for the ‘Christmas Offering’, or using the website Donate link and putting ‘Christmas Offering’ in the memo box.