Sunday, December 29 Christmas Sunday
No Early Worship
No Church School or Adult Education
11:00 a.m. Christmas Season Worship Service.
11:15 a.m. Children in Worship (Pre-K through first grade)

Sunday, January 5 Epiphany
9:40 a.m. Adult Education, Church School, and Youth Classes
11:00 a.m. Epiphany Worship Service
11:15 a.m. Combined Children in Worship
12:15 p.m. Epiphany Celebration during Fellowship Time

The Christmas Season Worship Service is a time of carols, scripture, poetry, Christmas celebration, and reflection. Children second grade and older are invited to participate in this service.

In Adult Education, Dr. Jim Brownson will lead this second of two Advent and Christmas Bible studies on the lectionary readings for this day. You can find the lectionary readings at the website entitled Bring your questions about any of the texts for the day, or just come hoping to learn!

All of Children in Worship will worship together for a special Epiphany celebration.