Looking to declutter your house in the New Year, and hoping to find a good home for some of your extra books? Members of the Christian Education ministry are seeking donations of good-condition books we can add to our church library collection.

Our plan is to have at least two categories of books in our church library. One will be a more traditional collection of books that have longer-lasting significance for Hope Church, such as titles written by members, ones about local or church history, or books supporting a church ministry. These books will be kept on a set of shelves (still to be installed) near the church office, and there will be a sign-out process. For the other category, we’ve decided to follow a “Little Free Library” or “take-one-leave-one” model. That is, books will not need to be signed out but can be taken freely.

With that in mind, if you have books you’d be willing to donate for the second category, please simply drop them off at the church office. Keep in mind that Christian Education ministry members will sort through donations, and extra or unneeded titles may be passed on to another worthy cause or organization. If you have books you’d like to donate that you think should be included in the more permanent collection, please contact Sarah Kolk, co-chair of the Christian Education ministry.

We know that we have many avid readers and booklovers in our congregation and we are excited to develop a church library that will support that culture!

~Christian Education Ministry

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