Compassionate Connection presents…Blood, Water and Fire – Art Response 3.0: Evoke, Explore, Express

Join us for the first session on Saturday, March 19. All sessions will be held from 10 am – 12 pm in the Hope Church Commons. Please sign up by March 15 by emailing Randy Smit ( or contacting the church office (616-392-7947). You can also contact Randy Smit with any questions at: 616-335-8910. A suggested donation of $30 is appreciated to cover the cost of supplies and facilitation resource.

For more details, see below:

“… an eye that sees, a soul that feels, and hands that obey.”
~ Dr. Maria Montessori

Acts of terror. Environmental extremes. A degenerating politics.

From every side, we are caught up in the woundedness of the world. And its healing. We think and talk ourselves to death, to sleep, to no avail… sometimes. It’s then that we can turn to each other and ask: Is there another way… To express ourselves? To understand each other? Our world? A mysterious, engaging Spirit, present and at work?

What if we could gather together in the presence of the Spirit… discern a theme, a voice, a way of the world… that calls for our shared and unalloyed heart-response. There’s plenty of pain to go around, and fear… also plenty of possibilities and hope.

What if the place to meet was Art? What if it was where we met each other as human beings and fellow travelers, where we met the random, frightening or unresolvable moments of our shared human story? What might we come up with? Where could it take us through Lent, Easter tide and Pentecost?

March 19 – April 23 – May 21… All are welcome.


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