10 Requests from Someone with Alzheimers
Author Unknown

  1. Please be patient with me — Remember that I have an organic brain disease for which I have no control.
  2. Talk to me — Even though I cannot always answer you, I can hear your voice and sometimes comprehend your words.
  3. Be kind to me — For each day of my life is a long and desperate struggle. Your kindness may be the most special and important event of my day.
  4. Consider my feelings — For they are still very much alive within me.
  5. Treat me with dignity and respect — As I would have gladly treated you.
  6. Remember my past — For I was once a healthy, vibrant person full of life, love and laughter with abilities and intelligence.
  7. Remember my present — I am a fearful person who misses my family and home very much.
  8. Remember my future — Though it may seem bleak to you, I am always filled with hope for tomorrow.
  9. Pray for me — For I am a person who lingers in the mists that drift between time and eternity. Your presence may do more for me than any other outreach of compassion you can extend to me.
  10. Love me — The gifts of love you give will be a blessing from which will fill both our lives with light forever.


Who Would Make Medical Decisions for You If You Were Unable to Speak for Yourself? ….(And would they know what to say?)

Sunday, Feb. 24th after worship. Watch bulletin for more information.

Advance Care Planning is an important part of our overall healthcare. Appointing a Patient Advocate who would speak for us, in the event we were unable to speak for ourselves is important for people of all ages. Like life insurance, health insurance and other pre-planning, it can give everyone peace of mind to know potential decision-makers know our values and directives.

David Blauw, chair of Advance Care Planning at Holland Hospital will help us understand the importance of this pre-planning. Even if you have such documents already, come to hear the Top Ten things you should coach your Patient Advocate on now! And if you don’t have this document, (Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare) this session can get you well on the way to having one!

~Ginger Clark, R.N., Hope Church Nurse