There will be a brief Congregational Meeting this Sunday, April 24 in the sanctuary immediately following 11am worship. There will be four items on the agenda:
1. Elect New Consistory Members: The Nominating Committee has assembled the following slate of Consistory nominees, approved by Consistory:
DEACONS: Becky Derrick; Lise Topp; Josh Beard; Tom Bultman
ELDERS: Barb Knoops; Wendy Rebhan; David Blauw; Fred VanDoornik
The new Consistory members will be ordained and installed on Sunday, June 5, and will begin their service on Consistory in June. Thanks be to God for this gifted group of leaders.
2. Beth Carroll: We will formally welcome Beth Carroll to the newly created one year position of Pastoral Resident for Youth and Young Adult Ministry.
3. Articles of Incorporation: We will vote to adopt restated articles of incorporation for Hope Church.
4. Update on Living Hope Renovations Project 

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