Our annual congregational meeting will take place on Sunday, January 21, from 12:15-2:00 p.m. in the Commons. We will begin with a shared meal and conversation around tables. The Consistory will provide a soup lunch. The meeting will include a presentation and vote on the 2018 budget, as well as other important information about the coming year of ministry at Hope Church.

  • If your last name begins with A – O, please bring bread to share.
  • If your last name begins with P – Z, please bring a salad.

Transportation will be provided for residents of the Warm Friend and Freedom Village at 2:00 p.m (as well as the usual bus run at 12:15 p.m.). Please plan to attend!

Staff Feedback: The personnel committee invites anyone with praise or concerns relating to staff to contact Jane Dickie, chair. This invitation comes because of a change in procedures during the congregational meeting in January. Previously during the discussion of the budget, staff were invited to leave the room and congregants were asked if they had any comments regarding the staff. In reviewing this procedure, it was very clear to all of us that people were disinclined to raise any issues in that public space and that it is inappropriate to have conversations about personnel publicly. Therefore, the personnel committee decided to discontinue that practice. We are not however discouraging anyone from raising personnel concerns that they might have. In our personnel practices we do conduct extensive reviews of all staff members annually. If you have any questions about this change in policy or issues that you would like to raise about personnel you are welcome to contact Jane Dickie, 269-857-4694 or via email, Dickie@hope.edu.

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