Our annual congregational meeting will take place on Sunday, January 18, from 12:15-2:00 p.m. in the Commons. We will begin with a shared meal and conversation around tables. The Consistory will provide a soup lunch.

  • If your last name begins with A – O, please bring a salad.
  • If your last name begins with P – Z, please bring bread to share.

The meeting will include a presentation and vote on the 2015 budget, as well as other important information about the coming year of ministry at Hope Church. There will also be further updates on the Living Hope renovations/capital campaign project. You are invited to think about these questions which will be at the heart of our conversation together on January 18. Keeping in mind our faith, our mission, and our ministry themes:

  • What have been some significant moments in ministry you want to celebrate from this past year? Where have you been engaged by God’s Spirit through the ministry of Hope Church? What are some favorite highlights you want to lift up?
  • As you look to the year ahead, what are some ideas and opportunities you see for our ministry at Hope Church? Are there any challenges and concerns you want to share?

The annual meeting of the Hope Church Endowment will also occur during the congregational meeting and will include election of Board members and update. Transportation will be provided for residents of the Warm Friend, Freedom Village, and Appledorn at 2:00 p.m. (as well as the usual bus run at 12:15 p.m.).



Our Faith: As followers of Jesus Christ, God calls us to Unity, Reconciliation, and Justice.
Belhar Confession, South Africa 1986
Our Mission: Hope Church is a congregation called to grow in faith; to pioneer; to be open; to lead in Christian action.
Hope Church Mission Statement, 2013
Our Themes: Provide provisions for the journey; welcome all; connect with and witness to the community; engender deep engagement.
Discerning our Future, 2012

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