Please join us for an important Congregational meeting on Sunday, July 25 at 11:30am. This will be a hybrid meeting that allows for both in-person and Zoom attendance. The consistory is ready to act on the agreement to donate Hope Church property for the Housing Initiative to be developed and managed by Dwelling Place in partnership with the First United Methodist Church. This meeting will provide information and will allow the congregation to offer an advisory vote to the consistory before they take action.  For those who might typically listen to the radio ministry, this is a day when you will have to account for that time conflict.

For those participating over Zoom:

For those joining by computer whether using a camera or audio only you can click this link: Link to July 25 Meeting
For those planning to call in through a regular phone line (whether cell phone or landline) then you will do the following:
  1. Call 1-312-626-6799
  2. There will be a prompt for you to put in the meeting ID number followed by the # symbol: you will key in 853 3292 9016#
  3. There will be a prompt for you to enter a participant ID or if you don’t have one to put in the # symbol — just push #
  4. There will be a prompt for you to enter the password followed by the # symbol: you will key in 1234#