For the benefit of anyone who’s away on spring break or was otherwise unable to be at church yesterday, here’s the update, more or less, that was shared by Lois Maassen during Life of Hope:

The weather in the previous 48 hours is a pretty good metaphor for the phase we’re entering with our renovation project. The six inches of snow (in April!) offered some excitement, if you like that sort of thing; we also have to acknowledge that there’s a little inconvenience and disruption. And we know that real spring, when it arrives, will be even sweeter for having had this last gasp of winter.

Our renovation project really began in February, with a facelift in Room 106 and probably a literal ton of decluttering and organizing. Thanks to the staff and a number of volunteers for their hours of work in getting us ready for next steps!

Over the last week or so, a number of people have moved into temporary “homes” while other spaces are renovated. Karla is now working in the choir room; Jocelyn is headquartered upstairs in the education wing. Beth, Andrew, and the Kids Hope coordinators are located in Room 106.

Today is the day that “real” construction starts, meaning it’s done by our professional construction team rather than DIY.

We’ll do our best to communicate construction plans in advance of their effects, but keep in mind that planning construction is a little bit like weather forecasting: Unforeseen circumstances, like a weather pattern that moves 30 miles to the north or south, are likely to happen. We’re keeping in mind our metaphorical Spring: A facility that is more welcoming, accessible, flexible, and sustainable.

In the meantime, your prayers are requested: for safety, low stress, and a sense of humor for all of us as we navigate the next months. (We’ll also communicate future volunteer needs; notify Lois Maassen or the church office if you’d like to be sure to be on that mailing list.)

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