Click here to read the full letter. See new guidelines below:

New Covid guidelines for Hope Church (August 10, 2021)

  1. Sunday Worship Service in the Sanctuary
    1. Open to all with no limit on the number of attendees
    2. Masks required for all
    3. Social distancing
      1. In general, no social distancing required
      2. Please note that young children under 12 years old have not been vaccinated. Please make a point to allow sufficient social distancing from families with children.
    4. Communion: We will hold off on communion until further notice.
    5. Singing: We will eliminate congregational singing during services and offer other forms of music and expression for the time being including humming of hymns while a masked cantor sings.
    6. Children in Worship: Plans are developing to hold Children in Worship in the Youth Room during service.
      1. Masks required
      2.  No singing
      3. Will work on distancing as much as practical
      4. Hand sanitizing
      5. Will meet outside when possible
    7. Young children and babies
      1. The nursery is available to parents with young children and babies under the supervision of a parent, if needed.
      2. During this time, it seems good to encourage a more flexible attitude toward children and babies in the sanctuary. Let’s be welcoming, tolerant and supportive of parents with young children in the pews.
    8. Fellowship after the service
      1. Outdoors when possible: Masks optional, food available
      2. Indoor in Commons:  Masks required, no food
  1. Adult Ed
    1. Masks required
    2. Will set up the room with more social distancing in mind.
  2. During Office Hours
    1. Masks required
    2. Masks are not required for individuals in their offices.
  3. Group Meetings (Consistory, Ministries, Book Clubs, etc.)
    1. Meet in one of five designated rooms
    2. Masks required
    3. No food