We have an ‘environmental’ crisis because we have consented to an economy in which by eating, drinking, working, resting, traveling, and enjoying ourselves we are destroying the natural, god-given world.
~Wendell Berry (2001). “In the Presence of Fear: Three Essays for a Changed World”

Is Wendell Berry the new John Calvin? You know—where every little thing you do is evidence of total depravity. You heard what he said–Right? “….by eating, drinking, working, resting, traveling, and enjoying ourselves we are destroying the natural, god-given world.” That doesn’t leave much out does it? No wonder some people long for a rapture! Get me out of here, please!

Alright, I just asked that question to be provocative and perplexing. But perplexation isn’t a bad place to be. Jesus used the technique all the time. Most parables were intended to perplex the listeners. When your foundation is challenged, you either resist and double-down or you ask, “What should I do now?” Jesus preferred the latter response. When your guard is down, you’re more open to a new way of being.

I believe that Berry is asking us to intentionally evaluate our way of living and to thoughtfully make changes; but change is hard. I need provide no proof; you know I’m right—ask any smoker or dieter. Oh, and by the way; how’s that exercise program going for you? It gets worse, he wants us to change the economy, the entire economy. Think of the complexity!

Berry isn’t actually asking us to change; he’s asking us to be who we say we are. We are the people who through grace and the ministry of Christ have already been changed. We are the people who step by step are moving away from a defeated way of living and into a newer joyous life. We accept change. It’s our MO.

So, in the step-by-step mode, let me suggest some creation care options:

1. Schedule outdoor time. You were created from the dust of the earth and need to maintain the connection:

  • Ottawa County parks has yearlong activities. Get one of their brochures, find an outing that appeals to you, and go!
  •  Join the Creation Care outings. Check the church calendar, the bulletin, and church-wide emails and social media for details. These outings provide opportunities to experience the outdoors with other Hope Church members.

2. Gather your bills and establish a baseline; you can’t make change in a vacuum.

  • How many vehicle miles do you drive annually? How much gas to heat your home? How much electricity? Could you use less? —you won’t know unless you intentionally evaluate.

3. Join with others:

  • Katherine Hayhoe says that 40% of fighting climate change is individual, the rest requires collective action. Find your group whether it be fighting for trees, water, pollution controls, or climate change.

4. Think like a building supervisor. It’s you; you’re in charge. The cavalry isn’t coming:

  • Your household can be managed for simplicity and efficiency.
  • You can manage for zero waste.

Christianity presents a different way of being in the world. Your steps away from the older, destructive, way of being will be good news to those who remain stuck in the old ways. Let’s work together on that. Blessings and peace.

~Peter Boogaart, Creation Care Coordinator