HCN0415 draft.pdf - Adobe Acrobat ProThe sun is shining, there’s a warm breeze on your face, the birds are singing, and tender shoots are emerging from the soil. It makes you want to get outside and go for a walk! How about letting your walk do double duty? Join others in the 35th Holland-Zeeland Area CROP Walk on Saturday April 25 or Sunday April 26 and help raise funds to end hunger in our area and in the world.

To celebrate 35 years, donors have agreed to add an additional $350 to any group’s total if they have 35 sponsored walkers or raise $3500. That $350 could…

  • help an AIDS orphan learn vocational skills to support themselves and their siblings
  • give three hungry families of five emergency food for a month
  • send seven women to literacy class and change their lives forever

Think about those all over the world who have to walk every day, whatever the season or weather, for water, firewood, or food. Let’s step up to the challenge and have $350 added to Hope Church’s total.

Stop by the CROP Walk table in the gathering area on Sunday mornings in April to learn more and pick up your registration envelope. If you can’t make the walk dates, you can walk yourself during the week, and if you can’t do a walk at all, you can still sponsor our Fish Club walkers. We can do this!

~Judith Boogaart, CROP Walk recruiter

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