Greetings! Andrew and I are excited and grateful to be interns this summer. We will be representing Hope Church and working alongside of Americorp Volunteers, Catie and Shannon, as Community Connectors in the Northwest Neighborhood.

One of our visions that started to take shape last fall was to gather people around “whole food” or “real food.” Whatever you call it, this type of food truly nourishes the body and the community.

The benefits of a healthy diet and lifestyle for an individual are fairly obvious. But we believe that more people leading a healthy lifestyle will also help with big picture issues, like the future of healthcare in America.

The need for community is also there. A lot of people do not have anyone to share dinner with. There are people who don’t know their neighbors. When individuals remain isolated, we are missing out on the gifts and talents in a community as well as the strength that comes from a neighborhood that looks out for one another.

Tomorrow, June 26th at 5:00PM, will be our first experimental CSA cooking night at Hope Church. In a nutshell, our hope is to strengthen the body and the community through locally grown vegetables. We will cook a meal together from start to finish and then eat together around the table, exploring topics around creation, stewardship, and wholesome living. We ask that you bring a vegetable or two. All family members are welcome!