The following list reflects the households assigned to greet for the next three months (Please note: the schedule for the entire year is also now posted on a “Greeter Schedule” poster in the gathering area):

December Greeters
02 Linda Graham & Bruce Evans
09 Jeff & Cathy Green
16 Steve & Sue Griffore
23 James & Jaqueline Heisler
24 5:30 PM:
Peter & Anne Hoekman
11 PM:
Laurie & Mark Baron
30 Michael & Kathy Henry

January Greeters
6 Juliann Hoekstra
13 Barb Israels
20 Mike & Shelly Israels
27 Dustin & Lauren Janes

February Greeters
3 Bob Jerow & Joyce Teusink
10 Amory Jewett
17 Steven & Michelle Johnson
24 Dan & Barbara Joldersma

If you are unable to greet on your assigned Sunday, you are invited to either switch with someone or find your own substitute. You can communicate this change by marking the change on the Greeters Schedule poster in the Gathering Area, or by calling the office and a staff member will mark the change for you. If you are willing to volunteer as a substitute greeter or greet more often than once a year, please contact the office.

~The Outreach & Hospitality Ministry

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