_MG_7631We need your help on Saturday, May 3, from 9 am-Noon!

Wear your work clothes, bring your gloves, bring your friends and family, and bring whatever gardening tools you have. There will be some extra gardening tools available, but much of the work can be done with hands—pulling weeds and debris from the garden beds, etc.

So what’s the urgency here? We need to save $3,000.00—the price we will have to pay to have the landscaping taken care of professionally if we cannot manage it ourselves. Let’s pull together and put some sweat equity into our gardens to make them work. We would like them to “shine for Tulip Time” (and beyond)!

We hope you can arrange your schedule to join us on May 3, or even just for an hour if that’s what works for you. Many hands make light work, so tell your friends and family! Pastor Gordon said he’ll bring the donuts! If you have questions, contact the church office (office@hopechurchrca.org or 392-7947).

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