As we celebrate our 150th anniversary, we’re also looking ahead. Part of what we’d like to assess is how our current facility will serve our needs as we move into the future. What might make it a greater asset to our work and lives together?

You’re invited to participate in this discussion on Wednesday evening, February 15, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., in the Commons; a light supper will be provided. The evening will be facilitated by Tracy Brower, Hope Church member and director of Performance Environments for Herman Miller, Inc. We will focus on developing a compelling vision of the attributes for the environment we share. “Rather than trying to develop a plan from historical experience, this process will develop a vision by conceiving the future ‘backward from perfect,'” Tracy says. The workshop will help us to envision, through creative collaboration, the facility that will support Hope Church in living our mission statement and the themes of the Belhar Confession.

Your voice is important to this process! To help the event planners and to receive the advance assignment for participants, sign up online or in the Gathering Area by February 6. If you’re unable to attend the event but would like to share your thoughts, you can do so using this online survey or by talking to a member of the Building and Grounds Ministry.