Dear Hope Church Friends,

Even in these very disrupted times, we’re following the rhythm of summer into fall to turn toward some additional church program offerings. Since last March, we have focused on our core identities of worship, care, and service, and we’ve been grateful for your support and connection in doing so. But this summer we’ve also delved into a few more ways of connecting, and for this fall we are coordinating some familiar fall gatherings in creative new ways:

  • The SANCTUARY WORSHIP SERVICE will move back to 11:00am on Sunday, September 13 for both Facebook Live and WHTC. Please plan accordingly.
  • ADULT EDUCATION will resume via Zoom at 9:40am on Sunday, September 13, and will continue weekly through the Fall. We’re grateful that Dr. Jim Brownson will lead the initial adult ed course, and we’ll even be able to do some small group discussion!. A zoom link will be included in the congregational email on the Friday preceding each Adult Ed session.
  • EARLY WORSHIP will resume via Zoom at 8:30am on Sunday, September 20, and then will continue on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month thru December. This will be a simple worship time of prayer, scripture and communion which the Pastors will lead from the Chapel. A zoom link will be included in the congregational email on the Friday preceding each Early Worship service.
  • WORSHIP TIME for FAMILIES with YOUNGER CHILDREN will be offered via zoom on Sunday September 13 & Sunday, October 11 during the 11:00am service. The Family Worship time will start directly after the Word with the Children in the Sanctuary service and will continue on zoom from a Children in Worship room, as we’ll hear a Children in Worship story and share communion. This time will be a chance for children/parents to connect through zoom with Miss Jocelyn and one of the Pastors.  More information will be sent to families prior to each service date.
    • On Monday evenings starting September 14, Matt Jantzen is leading a zoom discussion of the book Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America. Information on sign-up and schedule is being shared via church email.
    • On Wednesday evenings in October, there will be a zoom discussion of “How to Be an Anti-Racist” by Ibram X. Kendi. Information on sign-up and schedule is being shared via church email.

We feel that we have a better sense of the technology and logistics needed to delve into these new opportunities, and we trust that it will be workable for all who wish to be able to participate. These offerings are not meant to add busyness just for the sake of it—as there continues to be so much for us all to tend to on so many levels for ourselves and our world during these challenging times. Rather this is done with a sense of timeliness and gratitude, trusting that we can together sort through what is needed and fruitful for our life as a community of faith in Christ.
Mark your calendars and watch your email! – we’re looking forward to virtual sightings of many of you!

Peace – Pastor Gordon & Pastor Beth