Haiti 2013 010Larry Mulder and Ben Sikkink will be traveling to Haiti from March 5-12 to work with others to take apart and reconstruct one of Haiti Foundation Against Poverty’s housing units (identical to the one pictured here). The unit currently is located on the site of the new ‘forever’ orphanage that HFAP will be building this year. The new building will be supported through the benevolent portion of the A Living Hope campaign and provide housing for adolescent girls who have been cared for at Hope House for many years but have neither a family to return to nor can be adopted per Haitian law. Prayers for the success of this project are welcomed, as well as support through providing needed supplies that Larry and Ben can take with them. Items most requested are peanut butter, canned chicken, canned tuna, baby shampoo, size 4 diapers, Pull-ups, Pediasure, wipes and anti-bacterial hand soap. A suitcase will be placed in the gathering area in which you can place your gifts. Also, cash contributions towards the purchase of a new cordless drill and bits would be appreciated.