HCN0815 ONLINE.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Pro“The glory of God is the human person fully alive!” –Irenaeus

Part of being fully alive is being attentive to how we honor and love God with mind, soul and body. Go and Glow was launched by the Health Ministry in June to encourage us to get moving together this summer. Have you set and begun working toward a summer fitness goal? If you have, way to go! Keep it up! If not, it is not too late to get started!

Goal cards are available in the church office and at the Go and Glow table in the gathering area. If you meet your goal you can turn in your card to the office or Go and Glow table to be entered in a drawing at the end of the summer to receive a prize! Along the way – take a photo of yourself ‘on the go’ and post it on the Health Ministry bulletin board. It will be fun to see the many ways people are taking up the challenge.

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