logoMaxine DeBruyn, Health Ministry

The Go & Glow initiative proved to be a successful summer project. The project was designed to motivate individual members to set a personal fitness goal for the summer. All members of the congregation were invited to sign a card listing their personal fitness goal that was then turned in to the Health Ministry. This year, there were 64 adults and 11 youths who signed up for the challenge.

The initiative concluded at the fall kick-off picnic in September with a prize drawing for a $50.00 gift certificate to Gazelle Sport. The winner was Barbara Osborn. Barbara reported:

The Go & Glow program got me to commit to an attainable goal this year. My last year’s goal was too idealistic for me. So this year I committed to at least two days of outdoor exercise per week (biking or walking 45 minutes) and two days of indoor exercise per week (water aerobics or treadmill at Evergreen Commons). There were even added benefits. I started biking with my husband more often and started new exercise friendships at the pool and hot tub at Evergreen. And so far the new habit is continuing! Which is most certainly a winning situation.

Ellen Hale also expressed her success story. For two years she had looked for a tennis partner, and this year she ended the summer with two.

Please consider Go & Glow for 2014. Thank you to all who participated in Go & Glow. Go did Glow!