I’d like to express appreciation for the pastoral care given to Marvin Hoff. After his death our family has received many cards and loving thoughts as we grieve this loss. Thank you.
—Joan Hoff
I am so thankful for the prayers of Hope Church! I am a miracle, testifying to God’s grace. This November it will be four years since I was diagnosed with glioblastoma (usually a terminal brain cancer, usually terminal within a few years). I tell people that I am a miracle because of prayers —your prayers! God is good—and I think I am alive to testify to God’s goodness. Thank you and please keep praying—this has been and promises to continue to be a hard journey. Current struggles: trying to investigate retirement communities with continuum of health options. If anyone has wisdom on this subject, would love to hear from you! The “business” of managing a “chronic terminal” illness is hard to (e.g., insurance coverage issues). I have been fortunate to have angel friends who have helped me: Deborah Reynolds; Christine Stander; Bob and Mary Luidens (have provided rides to church; Kathy Green, who reaches out often to check on me. Love and blessings to you all!
—Ellen Hale
I want to thank all of you for your thoughtful and caring visits, cards, prayers, and other forms of support and concern during my recent hip and heart issues. Your faithful presence made a significant contribution to my rehabilitation and overall recovery, and was heartfelt deeply.
Bless you!
—Phil Van Eyl