Hope Church’s website offers several themes which guide our ministry. One of these themes is “To welcome all”. What does this mean? Being okay with anyone who wants to join Hope Church? Shaking hands and introducing yourself to people sitting near you who you aren’t familiar with? Reading the short bio of new members in the newsletter? Or should it be more? What about the theme “To engender deep engagement with one another”? That sounds like putting in a genuine effort to get to know someone. Or another theme: “To provide provisions for the journey”. Is that just for the pastors? Or Sunday School Teachers? Or are these actions that all of us should be taking to make sure that anyone who becomes part of Hope Church is familiar with all of the opportunities available to help them grow in their faith and in communion with other members?

The Outreach and Hospitality Ministry is hoping to enrich our Guide Ministry (previously called sponsorship of new members) by finding a group of people who want to help make new members’ transition into Hope Church as easy, warm and meaningful as possible. Are you one of those people? If you enjoy seeing new families become part of our church, are curious to learn about their interests and gifts, like to help others, celebrate with others and learn with others then we feel you are perfect for this guide ministry.

You will attend the first Orientation session where you will hear the stories of those seeking more information about Hope Church and start to get to know them. After that you will be paired up with new members and we will give you ideas on things you can do to help them feel welcome and acclimate them to the many activities of our church family. What is Men’s Breakfast? What does Circle 1 and Circle 2 mean? Who puts out the flowers? Is Pizza Sunday for everyone? How much does it cost? No, you don’t have to attend every activity with them but just be there to help them find those activities that line up with their interests and find another Hope member who can invite them to the activity if you do not attend yourself.

Are you interested? No experience necessary! Any age! Singles or Couples! And you don’t have to have been a member for years and years to qualify! You may have just joined yourself and are excited about the opportunity to discover all the possibilities with another person. Or maybe you’ve attended Hope Church all your life and are anxious to show our newest members all the reasons you love it. We are hoping to get enough people so that each person will only have one guide role per year. There will be a sign up sheet in the gathering area starting in mid-September or you can call Lori VanDoornik at 616.836.1870 to sign up and/or get more information. Thanks!

~Lori VanDoornik, Outreach & Hospitality Ministry member

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