Plans are being made for another mission trip to Haiti in conjunction with the Haiti Foundation Against Poverty. The trip will be for one week in early October with the exact dates yet to be determined. The main focus of the trip will be to assist Diane Lenox, HFAP’s sponsorship director, in her semi-annual updates of information about the students at Les Bours School and children of HFAP staff members. It could include such things as measuring height, weight, and shoe size; taking photographs; bagging and giving each child rice and beans, leading a class in arts and crafts or other activities while each individual child is having their information taken; and other similar things. Depending on the size and composition of the group, we could also visit both the orphanage and House of the Dying (hospice) run by the Missionaries of Charity (Mother Teresa’s order), make and distribute peanutbutter sandwiches for the entire student body at Les Bours and perhaps into the neighborhood, purchase and deliver a bed to a needy family, visit the Gift of Hope women’s sewing program of HFAP, and perhaps small handyman projects in the Hope House compound where we will be staying.

Costs for the trip will be in the $1600-1800 range depending on airplane ticket prices at that time. That includes the flights, all transportation, lodging and meals while in Haiti with the possible exception of a sight-seeing tour or meal at a Haitian resort and any souvenirs you wish to buy. Financial assistance is available from the church so that anyone who wishes to be part of this trip is welcome to join; please contact either of the pastors about this. For more information about this trip and to indicate your interest please contact Ben Sikkink.

~Ben Sikkink, deacon

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