And Jesus sent them out, to preach the kingdom of God, and heal the sick.  Luke 9:2

The Health Ministry logo was designed to reflect the extraordinary situation of delivering oneself over to the attentive care of another.
The Health Ministry logo was designed to reflect the extraordinary situation of delivering oneself over to the attentive care of another.
The Health Ministry sees healing and health as integral to a life of faith and a key focus of the Church’s communal life.
It provides educational and experiential opportunities that promote physical, mental, emotional and relational wholeness.


Look for:

  • monthly articles in Hope Church News
  • monthly themes on the Health bulletin board in the Gathering Area
  • library shelf books  “Health Ministry” and “Living Fully – Dying Well”
  • health books on shelves under Health Ministry bulletin board
  • health tips in Sunday bulletins
  • Care Notes available in Gathering Area and library
  • archival Hope Church News articles
  • participate in consultation with the Hope Church nurse – Office hours:Mondays 10:00am to noon (
  • monthly blood pressure screening in library
  • yearly flu shot clinic
  • quarterly blood drives
  • occasional training in use of CPR, Automated External Defibrillator
  • annual adult education series
  • other health events
  • First Aid Kits are available for use when needed: labeled First Aid kits in back of sanctuary, office, Room 108, Youth Room, Room 206, and on Nursery parent pager cart
  • Automated External Defibrillator is located to the left of the doors to the parking lot from the Gathering Area.
  • Health Equipment  – List is on the Health Ministry bulletin board in the Gathering Area. Please call the church office, (616) 392-7947, for item availability. There is no charge.