January 1, 2024. During this winter season, you may have noticed that there is an increase in the number of people getting COVID , along with other respiratory illnesses. During our Sunday church services, you are encouraged (not required) to wear a face mask as this can help protect you and others in a large gathering with lots of singing. Masks are available at each entrance to the Sanctuary. Also, please stay home if you have symptoms of COVID or of other respiratory illnesses. We hope you and your family stay safe and healthy during this holiday season and through 2024. — Dan Fisher, Chair of the COVID Task Force.**

May 6, 2022. We have been carefully monitoring the local COVID data, and we see that the number of new cases per week has been increasing. It has gone up 2.5 times the new case levels of three weeks ago. Some preliminary data suggest that that the number of new cases will likely continue to increase in the foreseeable future.

For our Sunday worship service, we have been in “Mask-Optional” mode for the last five weeks. Due to the increasing number of COVID cases, we are changing to “Mask-Encouraged” mode. This means that if you are able and willing to wear a mask, we encourage you to do so. This will help keep you and other members of our congregation protected while the case numbers increase.

We will continue to monitor the local COVID data and make other adjustments to our guidelines if they are needed to maximize the safety of the congregation. Thank you for your ongoing support.

June 25, 2021. There has been some very good news regarding the Covid situation. Governor Whitmer has now relaxed the Michigan Covid guidelines by lifting the required mask mandate for both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.  After experiencing a huge spike in Covid cases in Michigan in April, the most recent new case numbers, and % positive numbers, have dropped dramatically. For example, Michigan’s new weekly Covid cases are only 1.5% of what they were in April. This is great news! Also, the number of Michigan residents who have received at least their first vaccination has risen to over 56% of people over 12 years old. This is allowing Hope Church to review and update our Covid guidelines.

At the same time, we need to recognize that the pandemic is not over. Globally, the pandemic is worse now than in it’s first eight months. Also, the new “Delta” variant is quickly spreading and creating new surges in countries globally. For example, the UK has the highest percentage of people vaccinated in the world. But from May to June, their number of new Covid cases quickly increased from around 2,000/day to 15,000/day with the “Delta” variant accounting for over 90% of new cases. As the “Delta” variant is much more transmissible, it is also affecting younger people in a much greater way. The Delta variant is now about 15% of new cases in the US and is expected to become the dominant variant very soon. Also, 44% of Michigan residents are not vaccinated yet and with a high percentage of them children and youth.

As we move forward to relax Covid guidelines at Hope Church based on the most recent good news, we want to act locally, but to also think globally. So, our new reopening guidelines will consider the safety of children and youth and the uncertainties of the Delta variant. As we get though the coming weeks and learn more, we can adjust our guidelines as needed.

We are very happy to announce the following Covid guidelines for Hope Church.

  1. Sunday Worship Service in the Sanctuary.
    1. Mask required for all (as many unvaccinated children and youth present)
    2. No social distancing required
    3. Open to all with no limit on number of attendees
    4. Outside gathering after worship. Mask optional
  1. During Office Hours
    1. Vaccinated – Mask optional
    2. Unvaccinated – Mask required
  1. Group Meetings (Consistory, Ministries, Book Club, etc.)
    1. Meet in one of five designated rooms
    2. Mask optional
    3. Food allowed
  1. Group Meeting (Children and youth) Indoors
    1. Mask required throughout the summer