Here is an urgent need from Hope College that was directed to Hope Church:
“A Spring Break trip to Kentucky with Restoring Eden, a group that focuses on Mountain Top Removal coal mining, is in need of an adult chaperone for Hope students. It is a really educational and impactful trip, the students love it, and they come back truly changed. They understand how to be advocates for a better environmental policy, how it matters for their faith – lots of really big lessons in just one week. Hope College is still looking for someone to join them as an adult mentor. Hope requires that an adult go — while we train two upper-classmen studnets to lead the trip itself (its logistics, its discussions, group dynamics) Hope College needs an adult there for liability reasons. It works out well for the adult — particularly when they’re interested in the topic — because they get to be an active participant and just jump in to make a phone call in the event of an emergency. If anyone from Hope Church is interested please contact Hope College immediately – Spring Break is March 16-25. The students drive to Kentucky and spend a week there — leaving Friday morning and returning Saturday night. The trip has no cost for the adult mentor. Contact: Kate Kooyman, Director of Outreach and Social Justice, Hope College Campus Ministries, 616-395-7156”