The Consistory appointed Coronavirus Task Force met on Tuesday, June 22, to review the current data on vaccination rates as well as the infection, hospitalization, death rates nationally, in Michigan, and in Ottawa County. The good news is that vaccination rates are strong for key demographics in Ottawa County (and we believe even stronger for members of Hope Church) and the infection, hospitalization, and death rates are steadily declining. All of this is good. However, the pandemic is not yet over and in fact the new delta variant is spreading quickly among the unvaccinated and it is a very contagious and dangerous variant of the original COVID-19 virus. Additionally, children under the age of 12 are not yet able to be vaccinated. All of this leads the task force to the following plan of action to go into effect immediately: worship services are now open for anyone to attend without the need to take turns in coming or to maintain physical distance. However, we will continue to require masks to be worn for all services of public worship held in the sanctuary. So please feel free to join us in the sanctuary for worship every Sunday morning beginning this week, June 27th.