Mark your calendars for a one day conference convened at Central Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan on June 6 entitled “Is there Hope for a Progressive Movement in the RCA?”

The Reformed Church in America is in a time of flux, and attitudes and actions of suspicion, recrimination, and disrespect are widespread. Many have left the denomination, or threaten to leave. At the same time, there remains a strong and dedicated number, fatigued with the infighting yet determined to remain “home” within the RCA. In such a context, will a movement arise that continues to cultivate the values of an inclusive and embracing vision for all God’s people? How can such a movement best advance an understanding of the gospel of Christ as a positive force of grace in the world? Is there still room in the RCA for many perspectives —and, more importantly, for all persons who serve the Lord Jesus?

This day-long event is intended to spur deeper thinking on such matters, to encourage networking , and to lay a foundation for a safe and stable future for all who self-identify as progressive and choose-at least for the time being-to stay within the Reformed Church in America.

Speakers will include Denise Kingdom-Grier, Wes Granberg-Michaelson, Michael DeRuyter, Paul Janssen, and Hope Church members Lynn Japinga and Don Luidens. The program will begin at 9:00 a.m., and will include lunch. Since this is a fully self-supporting effort, the cost of the day is $50.00 per participant.

Sign up online at, or you can pick up a flyer in the gathering area for more information, and mail in the registration sheet that is part of the flyer to: Paul Janssen, 210 William Street, Somerville, NJ, 08876. You can also email it to

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