You’re invited to join in a workshop that’s part of “What’s Next for Hope Church,” scheduled for March 28 from 6 to 9 p.m.; a light supper will be served. In this workshop, we’ll start with the thoughts shared in the January 15 Congregational Meeting and the February 15 facilities discussion. We will both affirm ministry initiatives already underway and address additional priorities that emerge. The outcomes from this workshop will guide and inform our plans for the new program year and beyond, so we are able to be strategic in living into our vision.

Please sign up online or in the Gathering Area by March 25 so meeting planners can finalize arrangements.

We’re looking for as many voices as possible to be part of this conversation. Whether or not you can attend the meeting on March 28, you can choose to provide thoughts by online survey, and/or you can schedule a one-on-one conversation with a Hope Church elder. You may have participated in the January 15 congregational meeting, during which we began this discussion, answering questions of the strengths and challenges of Hope Church and our dreams for the future. The themes that emerged from that discussion are shown below; the size of the word or phrase shows how prominent it was in the discussion. Click on the link in each question to see a larger version of each graphic summary.

What are some strengths of Hope Church’s ministry?

What are some challenges Hope Church faces?

What goals or dreams do we have for our ministry?