We hope you’ve marked your calendars for April 27, 5 p.m., for Think Hope! It’s an evening of food, fellowship, fun, and fundraising. Join us for

  • Social time and the opportunity to bid on items reflecting the talents, skills, and interests of fellow Hope Church members
  • A delicious dinner, featuring grilled chicken and continued fellowship
  • Musical entertainment featuring Little Sip, a ukulele and guitar trio (Bob Johnston, Dan Smith, and Steve Wessels) that performs traditional folk, gospel, and favorite rock songs.

You can buy tickets in the Gathering Area on April 7, 14, and 21, or through the church office during regular hours. Auction donation forms are available online (click here!) or in the church office, and auction items can be delivered to church between April 14 and 21.

Given events in our community, Community Ministry, in consultation with the pastors, has shifted the beneficiary of Think Hope funds raised to the Escape Ministries Youth Summer Employment program. Following the violent death of a youth in our community in February, community groups have collaborated to increase the support for the safety and thriving of all our Holland youth. One important need identified has been summer youth employment, and the program that Escape Ministries administers is in need of significant financial support. This program offers work experience, income, and mentorship to youth with otherwise limited constructive options. Hope Church has supported this program in the past; Think Hope is an opportunity for Hope Church to offer tangible support for this expressed community need. We look forward to your creative donations, attendance, and generosity.

Don’t miss it! Think Hope has become an important festive occasion in our lives together.

~Community Ministry