eIMG_2307Dear Hope Church Friends –

Barb Joldersma asked if I would share my experiences tutoring with Kids Hope. It got me wishing that I kept a diary, so that I could remember all that had happened over the last year. Then I realized that my email messages to Barb and my weekly reports might serve the purpose. So here, below, is an unvarnished glimpse into one tutor’s experience with his Kids Hope child.


Hi Jill– This is to confirm that Tim Pennings will be working with Zechariah this year. Tim plans to come on Fridays from 11:20-12:00 beginning on October 10.

Hi Tim— Zechariah’s teacher says he is a happy, smiley boy who needs attention. He is low academically and needs help building confidence and learning that it is OK to be wrong. Let Anne or me know if you have any questions.

Barb – I met Zachariah for the first time today – – nice guy – – we worked on addition and wrote all the numbers to 200. He is all business.

Barb – Today as I was taking Zachariah back to class, he asked, “Do you come here for other children too?” I told him, “Nope – just for you – – you’re the only one.” “Every week?” “Yep, every Friday.” “Even when I go to 2nd grade?” “You bet.”

Amazing – – after just two weeks. Glad that you clued us in about their desire to be the only one. Walking out, another child gave me a spontaneous hug as well – – what a great ministry.

I tried to sneak some math in by having him count the play dough cookies, but his is “onto” me. Said, “I don’t play that game.” When we finished, he said, “I can’t wait for next Friday.”

Barbara, Anne – Paragraph below is from a family letter I just wrote.

So today when tutoring my 1st grade African American boy, I said, “We’ll have to finish coloring the pictures yet.” and he immediately jumped on me, “Why did you say “yet” – – that word doesn’t belong there. I couldn’t stop laughing. (We spent the whole hour doing homework, so I showed him how to take his thumb off – – he showed it to 4 people just in returning to his classroom.)

What a spirit booster Zech is! Mr. Energy!

Barb, Anne – Yesterday I interacted with a very different Zechariah than in the past and wondering if you have any advice. He was totally “energized” and out of control. I was following along trying to decide whether I should just let him dictate everything we did, or try to establish some control. I basically just let him do what he wanted and I watched.

So my question: Given that we have such a short time together, I want that time to be pleasant and full of fun time, but now it seems I need to choose between that and trying to maintain control of him. Thoughts?

I bought and just got a new game to play with Zechariah – – called Count Down. You roll two dice and use either number or the sum to get all the numbers from 1 to 10. For older students you add, subtract, multiply or divide them to get numbers from 1 to 10.

When we finished his work he initially cried and wanted to go back to class rather than play Count Down, but then decided to try. We agreed that he gets to pick next week – – and he said he might pick Count Down.

Barb – Nice time with Zechariah today – played Countdown, cars, and play dough. He keeps track of me – asked why I wasn’t there last Friday and noticed that I am here early this week. Sharp kid.

Hi Barb – Here is an affirmation for Zechariah:
Zechariah is a boy with boundless energy. He bounces out of his seat when I come to pick him up and races down the hall towards the game cabinet. We have fun playing with Legos and he loves to beat me at Count Down. I look forward to spending time with Zechariah each week and will enjoy being his mentor again next year.

I was almost overcome with emotion today. 150 years after Lincoln’s death, I am now reading about Washington DC with Zech – – telling him about Obama being in the White House. His reading is very much improved. Great year of learning for him.

Zech is a good reader. He’s excited about next week’s party. Said, “I get to see you twice in one week!”

Anne, Barb – Zechariah has progressed significantly in his reading this year and I find myself concerned that he does not regress in his reading ability over the summer. Do you know if there is a reading program that he (and others) have over the summer that encourages and helps them continue reading? If not, is that anything that Kids Hope could be involved in? Just a thought.

I don’t normally “reply all” to a large list like this . . . but can’t resist repeating what I told Carol when I got home last evening, telling her how impressed I was with you all. As I exclaimed, “The people who were there for those kids—many of them week by week, all year—are just wonderful people.” I so admire you all . . .

Thanks Dave. My little guy asked me this morning if I would be with him again next year. Later he asked me how long it would be before we saw each other again – and gave me a hug goodbye. I had the teacher send my phone number home with him today in case it works out to get together occasionally this summer. There is little else that I do where I feel that my time is so well used. It’s a great program. Also impressive that so many of those good programs are started right here in West Michigan.

Barb, Jill – Zechariah mentioned a couple times today that he is already waiting for next fall when we can meet together again. It is fine with me if you’d like to give my contact information to his mother. If there would be opportunity to see Zechariah a couple times over the summer, I’d be happy to.

Barb – Great time with Zech – – how much fun to see his face light up. His reading has improved and he reads with an intensity that he didn’t have last year. Then he picked out Count Down to play for 15 minutes. How satisfying. He asked when we are having another party at church!

~Tim Pennings, Kids Hope Mentor