As we begin the New Year, prayer is needed for our Kids Hope students and mentors more than ever before. It is now, after a semester of getting acquainted and accessing the needs of our students, both emotionally and academically, that we begin to see their growth and they begin to experience success. Yet we are concerned with the challenges that influence the way each child learns and matures. Sometimes amidst all the fun we have during our weekly sessions we still encounter behavior and reading problems beyond what our time and capabilities allows us to fully address. This is why we feel blessed by your prayers and acknowledge their benefit when we see doors opening and little miracles of influence and learning take place between us and our Kids Hope student. So here is a prayer from the Kids Hope Regional Conference that we are asking you to pray. Maybe cut it out and put it beside your devotion table or read it at the table. I know we will feel it! Thank You from Vicki and all the Kids Hope Mentors and Students.

Pray for Teachers, Kids, Families

Bodily Health
For healthy body development
For basic physical needs to be met
For safety from accident and from serious illness
For protection from violence, harm or fear
For wise choices that affect health (sleep, exercise, food)

For an earnest, eager desire to listen and learn
For encouragement to all, needed for good teaching and learning
For growing confidence in abilities
For appropriate expectations placed on staff, students and families

Emotional Health
For a secure sense of belonging and of being safe at home and school
For the ability to give and receive love and care
That key relationships cause recipients to be valued…special…loved
All would feel worthy of having all needs met
That home life provides healthy doses of fun and laugter – freedom to be and act as a child
For hopefulness…that would permeate attitudes and behavior

Social Relationships
For healthy relationships, with parents, siblings, staff, administration love and support
For the ability to obey and respect authority figures
For attitudes and behavior that encourage friendship, respect, thoughtfulness, kindness
For genuine friendships that promote stability and enjoyment

Spiritual Relationships
For the presence of the spirit in relationships
For nurturing, healing influence in the lives of teachers, kids and families

Pray for Mentors
A heart that truly cares for the welfare of their child
Ability to communicate effectively on the child’s level
Enthusiasm and hopefulness that is constant and contagious
Patience and understanding when progress seems unattainable
Creative and resourceful ways for being an encouragement each week
Unwavering conviction for the importance of their hour together
Productivness in their relationship
Many reasons for joy in this ministry work

~Vicki Rumpsa, Kids Hope USA Director