KHUSAverticalLogoOur Kids Hope program year is now entering its third month and we are enjoying the benefits of growing relationships between our mentors and their Kids Hope students. We are delighted to see these relationships developing, because without a strong relationship it’s very difficult to affect the social and academic growth we all want for our students. Our seven new mentors report a good beginning and look forward to their continuing relationships. Here is a quote from one of our new mentors:

“Today as I was taking Zachariah back to class, he asked, “Do you come here for other children too?” I told him, “Nope – just for you – – you’re the only one.” “Every week?” “Yep, every Friday.” “Even when I go to 2nd grade?” “You bet.”
Amazing – – after just two weeks. Glad that you clued us in about their desire to be the only one. Walking out, another child gave me a spontaneous hug as well – – what a great ministry.”

We are still looking for mentors for the following children:

•A second grade boy who needs help with homework and learning to stay focused. His family situation is broken.
•A third grade boy who is shy, has a hard time understanding directions, but is a hard worker.
•A fifth grade boy who is smart, honest, with a kind heart, who needs help with anger issues and behavior management.

If you would you like to join our group of dedicated volunteers, please contact Anne Duinkerken or Barbara Joldersma.