Last night I attended a panel discussion on ACEs or Adverse Childhood Experiences. I was interested in this because I am well aware that many of our Kids Hope children are affected by these. The three types of ACE’s include Abuse, Neglect and Household Dysfunction. The students that are referred to our program could be experiencing emotional abuse or suffer from physical neglect like lack of sleep. Some students are dealing with divorce or the challenges of a family member who is incarcerated or a victim of substance abuse. These ACE’s or adverse childhood experiences are common, they rarely occur in isolation and they do cause health, social and learning problems. The earlier they occur in a child’s life the more effect they have on the brain and that is one reason kids fall behind in academics and struggle to read. This has lifelong effects which can result in dropping out of school, suicide, and other mental health problems.

Why am I telling you this? It is because the Kids Hope Program can help mitigate some of these results. It does that by providing another relationship that is encouraging, supportive and consistent. The chronic stress that many of these kids suffer from needs an outlet for their fears, lack of self worth and struggles with school and other social situations. Our mentors provide a relationship that is there for them on a regular basis, a voice that tells them that they are worth something, someone to read to or with them and a helper with their homework as well as a guide to help them navigate social situations.

But there’s more and this is where YOU come in. Kids Hope is backed up by your prayers. We not only count on our Prayer Partners but also on all the prayers of our congregation. Kids Hope USA has proven results that prayer does make a difference in outcomes for these children. You also support Kids Hope by your tithing. Each church and school connection cost money to run and without this being in our budget we could not provide these services. And then there’s your time. Whether you have been a mentor in the past or are serving as one now, you are or have been an important person in a child’s life for 1 hour a week and that does make a difference. I have the privilege of reading weekly Progress Reports filled out by our mentors after they finish a session with their Kids Hope student. These connections are so much more than just homework help. Our mentors have heard the sadness of a child’s pet dying, an absent father, bullying on the playground and a lack of attention at home. When frustration overwhelms their child the mentors are there to encourage, to help and to give hope. Sometimes the most positive words they hear all day is from their mentor but in time they begin to believe in themselves and this builds up the resilience they need to navigate the difficulties of life.

So thank you from me and from them. What a better world it would be if everyone had a mentor.

As the saying goes “It takes a village to raise a child”, and in this world of disconnection this is truer today than ever before. Let me leave you with this quote from Fredrick Douglas, “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men”. Praise God for Kids Hope!

See the Kids Hope Bulletin Board for more information on ACEs.

~Vicki Rumpsa, Kids Hope USA Director