Please pray for our returning mentors, prayer partners, and Kids Hope Vanderbilt students as they resume their work together during the first week of October. It takes a little longer to begin working with students who are new to the program, but we hope to have all of our mentors working with students by the middle of October, and we ask for your prayers for them as well. We are very grateful for each mentor, prayer partner, and student, for without their commitment there would be no Hope Church Kids Hope.

We also ask you to pray that we will be able to provide a mentor for each child referred to us, which is something we were unable to do during the 2013-14 school year. Our need for new mentors continues to be great. It’s not too late to begin mentoring a child this year!

For further information about Kids Hope and opportunities to work with Hope Church’s ministry with at-risk kids, please call Anne Duinkerken or Barb Joldersma, 392-7947 ex. 114.


“Our commitment to Kids Hope is anchored in our belief that God’s love is for all and we are God’s instruments in a hurting world.”

-Judy VanderWilt, Kids Hope Mentor and Former Hope Church Kids Hope Director