The Adult Education group plans and coordinates educational opportunities for adults using as much as possible the talents and resources of the congregation. Such opportunities are intended for spiritual formation through biblical study and critical examination of cultural, social and moral issues from a Christian perspective. Here’s what’s planned for this fall, all in Commons 1 from 9:40 to 10:40 a.m.
September 8, 15, 22
Faith Meets Life: Doctor of Ministry Reflections and Connections by Rev. Dr. Gordon Wiersma
Over the past three and a half years, Pastor Gordon completed a Doctor of Ministry degree at McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. The DMin program involved courses in current theological, congregational and cultural studies, and a final thesis project designed to connect his theological research with the ongoing ministry of Hope Church. Gordon’s theological focus has been on exploring salvation/atonement as a restorative and creative act of God (in contrast to more prevalent views of salvation/atonement which emphasize punishment and violence), a theology grounded in the work of theologians Rene Girard and James Alison. This theology was the basis for Gordon developing resources for Hope Church worship and education which reflect this restorative and creative understanding of salvation/atonement. Over the three sessions of this “Faith Meets Life” offering, Pastor Gordon will reflect on the personal and pastoral impact of the DMin program, explore resources he has developed for Hope Church, and offer ideas on how to carry this work forward in the life of Hope Church.
September 29 and October 6
Climate Change as Seen through the Lens of the Film “The Reluctant Radical”
This documentary film follows activist Ken Ward as he confronts his fears and puts himself in the direct path of the fossil fuel industry in an effort to combat climate change. It reveals both the personal costs and the fulfillment that come from following one’s moral calling—even if that means breaking the law. Peter Boogaart will introduce and lead discussion of a thirty-minute segment of the film each week. Peter Boogaart is an original member of Hope Church’s Creation Care Ministry, a leader in the Macatawa Creation Care group, and an active participant with the Holland Citizens’ Climate Lobby chapter.
October 13
Accessibility Ministry
Terry DeYoung, RCA Coordinator for Disability Concerns, will talk about why Hope Church renamed this ministry from Disabilities Awareness to Accessibility Ministry. We will discuss creative new ways for all of us to shift our thinking and move forward. The Disability Housing Task Force will also update us on recent developments and introduce Hope Church’s Accessibility brochure, developed by the Accessibility Ministry and the Congregational Care and Health Ministry.
October 20 and 27
Finding Meaning Through Suffering
Daryl and Sara Van Tongeren together have written The Courage to Suffer, a book to be published by Templeton Press in March 2020. The book’s purpose is to help people who are enduring persistent suffering. Daryl, an Associate Professor of Psychology at Hope College, is a social psychologist who studies meaning in life, religion, and virtues. Sara is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Psychotherapist with a private practice in Holland. Through discussion and interaction, they plan to share with us some useful insights about suffering, meaning, and God.
- October 20
What Suffering Is and How It Affects Our Faith
They will explain what suffering is, why it poses a problem, and how it can cause spiritual struggles, leading some people closer to God, while others may feel more distant from God. - October 27
Turning Questions into Meaning
They will tell us how to incorporate some of life’s deeper existential questions to help us to develop meaning and to experience flourishing, regardless of what life holds.
November 3
Reconfiguring Our Pastoral Leadership
Over the past 2 years Hope Church has been blessed to have three full time pastors in leadership for our congregation. This session will explore how the roles of our pastors have evolved over that time, and we will discuss how pastoral leadership can best be configured moving forward to serve our congregation and community
November 10
The Last Shall Be First: A Conversation with Matt Scogin
Hope College President Matt Scogin will share his perspective on Christian leadership and how God led him back to Hope College. There will be ample time for his responses to our questions.
November 17 and 24
Science, Politics and Religion
With the leadership of Paul Heusinkveld, a Hope Church member with a career in the U.S. Department of State, we will explore an occasion he will present to us about when science, politics, and religion clashed.
- November 17
An Incident of Significant Conflict
Paul will describe an experience drawn from his service in the U.S. Foreign Service while living in the Middle East—an incident he inadvertently stumbled upon that has major consequences and implications for all of us. - November 24
Exploring the Incident’s Moral Dilemmas
Paul will summarize the incident and set the stage for exploring the related moral dilemmas and considerations for us individually and as a church. We will discuss the ted tough moral choices and offer possible avenues of response.