Living Hope Renovation Open House Sundays:
January 17 and 24
9:30 am – 12:30 pm

It took longer than we’d planned and involved some rework to keep the project scope and budget in line, but we did it! The Living Hope Design Team is pleased that at its December meeting, Consistory approved moving ahead with the next phase of the renovation project. The phase just completed, Design and Development, detailed exactly how the construction and improvements will be done; the next phase, Construction Documents, describes that fully for skilled trades and suppliers for bidding.

Also in November and December, we received Holland Historic Commission approval for three parts of our project: the chapel built within the courtyard, the canopy over the east entrance, and the ramp connecting the Gathering Area to the narthex.

You can see the current state of the project before and after worship on two Sundays, January 17 and 24. Members of the team will be on hand to share drawings and answer your questions. A brief update on the project will be a part of the Congregational Meeting on January 24.

~Lois Maassen, Project Team Leader

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