The Community Ministry also provides the Hope Church home for the Caring for Creation Task Force, which provides means to learn about to the human community.”

Our focus is to encourage Christian action and mission: to unleash the gifts that Hope Church can give to others and relationships that can be formed outside of Hope Church. We aim not only to spread the Word, but to make our world a more loving and caring place. In collaboration with the Board of Deacons and the Reconciliation Ministry, the Community Ministry manages benevolent giving on behalf of our congregation, in addition to planning events and ongoing programs.

Our community giving is typically to local ecumenical and cooperative agencies that address needs for food, housing, healthcare, education, and more, including, for example:
• Good Samaritan Ministries and Community Action House for housing, hunger, and other issues
• The Holland Community Health Center, Free Health Clinic, and Lakeshore Parish Nurse Program for health care
• Center for Women in Transition for domestic violence prevention
• Special Education Ministries and Camp Sunshine for support of those with disabilities
• The Kids Hope mentoring program and the CASA after- school tutoring program for education

The Community Ministry is Hope Church’s liaison to Washington School Neighbors, launched through Good Samaritan’s Neighborhood Connections program and seeking to build community, safety, and engagement. You’ll see updates through the newsletter or can learn more at WashingtonSchool
The Community Ministry informs, engages, and supports Hope Church members as we live our mission statement, specifically “to be a servant related to economic well-being and independence; Lakeshore Habitat for Humanity and Jubilee Ministries for housing and engage with our environment. They also provide resources so that we can consume more responsibly to nurture and enhance God’s creation.

Opportunities for participation with the Community Ministry occur throughout the year, often announced through the newsletter, bulletin, website, and the volunteer blog,

The Community Ministry also loves to hear from members about their own community-building work, which informs us, helps us set priorities among all of the many choices that must be made, and occasionally enables us to support a special event or project. Contact any of the Community Ministry members: Doug Abell, Peter Boogaart, Kathy Brownson, Judy Bultman, David DeBlock, Lois Maassen (chair), David Myers, and Anne Saliers.

Words by Lois Maassen