Hope Church life changed abruptly on Friday, March 13. That day, a special meeting of Consistory was called. Consistory decided due to the COVID crisis to suspend any further in-person meetings at Hope Church. Life changed abruptly at that time in many ways literally all over the world. The particular impact on our life as a community of faith is a challenge we share in common as part of Hope Church. Since that March 13 decision, each day has been a new challenge of how to “do church” in new ways: how to worship; how to care for one another; how to nurture our children and youth; how to serve our community and world; how to pray for one another; how to stay connected; how to welcome others. Each of these is an ongoing challenge, but as together we’ve faced these questions, the Spirit has provided gifts through which fruitful and faithful paths have emerged.

One of those questions of how to “do church” is: “Do we publish a newsletter?” We have made an effort to step up our church communication in various ways, but we wondered in this period of less in-person programming if a newsletter was still needed. Well, to answer that, I will do something which is always a good idea, which is to quote my colleague Pastor Jill Russell! On Facebook (speaking of ways to communicate!) she posted this:

“I am currently reading through the content that has been submitted for the summer edition of Salt & Light. We wondered whether to do one. There isn’t a lot of church programming happening to talk about. No pictures from gatherings over the spring to share. But then we reminded ourselves that we were evolving Salt & Light toward more of a reflective magazine-like periodical anyway. So let’s ask people to share their thoughts and reflections in this time. Y’all—it is GOOD stuff! I am just overwhelmed with gratitude for the wisdom and creativity of those with whom I worship here at Hope Church. So grateful to be in this together!”

Well said, Pastor Jill! This is a time when so much has changed, and when both what we know and what is unknown are difficult. But this remains the same: faithful reflection and open hearts are needed, and God uses such honesty and openness among us to bring strength and hope.

Spirit’s blessings to all of you in this uncertain time, and may this publication be a source of encouragement as we travel this time together, held in God’s grace.

Peace – Pastor Gordon