After a challenging start of the Covid pandemic, we have been fortunate to return to near normal during Sunday service, and other activities at Hope Church. This has been accomplished due a lower number of local new Covid cases, less severe Covid variants, vaccinations, mask wearing, the HVAC systems are bringing in outside air and having good filtration and other factors. As we evaluate our Covid risk through the “MIT Covid-19 Indoor Safety Guideline Calculator”, we continue to be in a safe condition.

As we look forward, the Covid Task Force would like to share some concerns. In our local area, there has been a sharp increase in respiratory illnesses, seasonal flu, and colds. This is on top of the ongoing concerns about COVID. At the same time, more and more people are attending the Sunday service in person, and fewer people are wearing masks.

We’d like to remind our congregation that we can minimize the risk of illness through healthy choices such as getting Covid and flu vaccinations and boosters, wearing masks when appropriate, and sanitizing. Keep in mind that singing can be a strong spreader of any airborne illnesses so masks can be of great value during times of risk from multiple airborne illnesses. And, if you are not feeling well or have been exposed to others, please consider participating in the Sunday service though the Hope Church YouTube channel.

Let’s stay vigilant in the coming weeks as we head into winter.

~ Hope Church COVID-19 Task Force