Gift Cards for Families

Hope Church is again supporting Christmas gift cards (our goal is 60) for families within our church and community, and your enthusiastic support is greatly appreciated. Here’s how to:

  1. Remove a tag from the tree on December 1 or 8
  2. Purchase a greeting card and a $25 gift card from Meijer, Target, or Walmart
  3. Personalize the greeting card with holiday greetings and blessings for the New Year
  4. Return UNSEALED envelope containing greeting card and gift card to church by Sunday, December 15
  5. Hope Church will deliver all cards to Hope Church families and local ministries

With gift cards, parents can make decisions together about gifts for their families and enjoy the experience of shopping for and wrapping presents. The gifts under their trees reflect their love, individual attention, and family Christmas traditions.Your personal greetings for the season are an important part of this project! God’s blessings for your generosity in supporting this project, as we join together our gifts and prayers to express the love of God in our community.

Christmas Cards for Our Members
Enrich your Advent season by sharing Christmas cards by December 15 with members who will receive caroling. Decorated gift bags for each will be on pegboards in the Gathering Area to collect your card contributions.

Christmas Cookies for Caroling & Open House
We’re looking for home-baked Christmas cookies to share during our caroling and the Christmas Eve Young Adult Open House. Sign up in the Gathering Area or on an online form to us know how many dozen cookies you are able to bring to the church by December 8. Thank you for making this season special!

White Gift Offering of Personal Care Products
On Epiphany Sunday, January 5, bring a personal care product for a child or woman, wrapped in white tissue paper. These gifts will be brought forward during the offering and later given to Resilience (formerly Center for Women in Transition), a local agency assisting women and families caught in abusive relationships and empowering a hopeful future for them.