dji_0039On September 18, we collectively appreciated the work completed thus far on our Living Hope facility renovation project. The parking lot is finished, with its final coat of asphalt and striping. The canopy, which both indicates the primary entrance and offers shelter from rain, sleet, and snow, is also complete.

Indoors, a walking tour encouraged folks to explore the fresher, brighter Commons, as well as the renovated youth room, new nursery, and the single-use, gender neutral restroom. Members of the Living Hope Design and Capital Campaign Teams were on hand to answer questions like this one:

Where will the stained glass that was in the former prayer chapel/Washington School Neighbors office be located? Honestly, we’re not quite sure. Because that piece of glass was freestanding and mounted on the wall, rather than installed in it, we were able to remove it safely and store it for its protection. As the construction nears its conclusion, we’ll consider the best location for its long-term display.

DCIM100MEDIADJI_0006.JPGIn a brief meeting before the open house, Ron Mulder gave an update on the funding for the construction project. He reviewed the progress toward our goal, expressing gratitude for the generosity and commitment of the Hope Church community. At the time of his update we have approximately $500,000 yet to raise. He also noted that financing is in place through the RCA Growth Fund if we don’t entirely reach our goal of $3,257,000 by the end of the construction phase, and that the Stewardship and Finance Ministry is involved in anticipating the implications for operating budgets if we do need to assume a mortgage.

Your continued prayerful support is appreciated, for the financial resources, for the safety of those involved in the construction, and for continued patience with the changes and disruptions.

Please be aware that construction on the Gathering Area began on September 26 and will go through November 30, during the week (Monday-Friday, 7am – 5 pm). Therefore, you will need to enter the building through the 10th street doors for all daytime meetings or events. During the evening or on the weekend, you will be able to use the parking lot doors. Please also be aware that there will be considerable dust in the air as part of the demolition. Thanks for your understanding and flexibility!

~Lois Maassen, Project Team Leader

Living Hope Renovations Pun of the Month
Pastor Gordon: “Have they determined exactly how much the cement will cost for the renovations?”
Pastor Jill: “We have estimates, but nothing concrete.”