Peace Camp 2019 was an energy-packed week of experiencing how peace weaves in and through us as we connect into the community and the world. Originated through First Presbyterian Church, the partnerships have grown each year with Hope Church, Grace Episcopal Church, and ACTS (a wonderful ministry to Holland’s core city children and families), welcoming Lakeshore Women for Peace, Boys & Girls Club and HOSA (Holland Openly Secular Alliance) as campers, volunteers, and financial supporters.
Each day the children learned and practiced tools they can use as they interact with the world to bring peace to themselves and others. Activities included learning about famous peacemakers, mindfulness exercises, singing, playing games, communing with nature, art projects (peace rocks, clay sculpting, making dreamcatchers, string art), sharing our concerns, and making new friends. A highlight of the week was weaving strips of fabric on which the campers wrote or drew something unique about themselves. As each piece of cloth was woven through the loose warp, it brought strength to the art piece symbolizing what we can do together as we grow in a community of peace.